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ringmaster: add pkg minisign

This commit is contained in:
Pratham Patel 2022-10-15 12:57:11 +05:30
parent 47dc6b3570
commit 420b6a0dd2
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ brew upgrade
### Install packages
brew install aria2 bat btop coreutils curl ffmpeg gcc git git-delta gnu-sed grep handbrake htop hugo imagemagick iperf iperf3 mpv neovim qemu readline rename ripgrep speedtest-cli tmux tree wakeonlan watch webp wget xz yt-dlp zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting
brew install aria2 bat btop coreutils curl ffmpeg gcc git git-delta gnu-sed grep handbrake htop hugo imagemagick iperf iperf3 minisign mpv neovim qemu readline rename ripgrep speedtest-cli tmux tree wakeonlan watch webp wget xz yt-dlp zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting
brew install cask alacritty android-platform-tools balenaetcher bitwarden brave-browser discord firefox homebrew/cask-fonts/font-fira-code homebrew/cask-fonts/font-fira-mono font-overpass-mono google-chrome keepassx keka librewolf macs-fan-control meld moderndeck obs protonvpn sublime-text telegram tor-browser utm virtualbox virtualbox-extension-pack whatsapp webtorrent