Fork 0
Pratham Patel fc036396a0 changes made:
- converted all tabs (that I could find) to spaces
 - move shell _then_ and _do_ keywords on same line as _if_ and _loops_
 - re-organize .scripts/ dir (add sentinel and bluefeds scripts too)
2022-09-25 03:47:51 +05:30
alacritty init commit 2022-09-23 19:28:12 +05:30
bspwm changes made: 2022-09-25 03:47:51 +05:30
feh init commit 2022-09-23 19:28:12 +05:30
mpv .config/mpv/mpv.conf: add some linux vs mac documentation 2022-09-23 19:50:42 +05:30
nvim add inlay hints for Rust 2022-09-24 22:57:23 +05:30
polybar changes made: 2022-09-25 03:47:51 +05:30
rofi changes made: 2022-09-25 03:47:51 +05:30
sxhkd changes made: 2022-09-25 03:47:51 +05:30
tmux init commit 2022-09-23 19:28:12 +05:30
yt-dlp init commit 2022-09-23 19:28:12 +05:30