Fork 0

60 lines
1.5 KiB

helper = store
editor = nvim
compression = 9
fsmonitor = true # no workey on penguin
workers = 0 # < 1 means use all **logical** cores
thresholdForParallelism = 1000 # perform parallel checkout only if files are > 1000
name = Pratham Patel
email = prathampatel@thefossguy.com
signingkey = ~/.ssh/git
gpgsign = true
verbose = true # show the diff in the editor opened by `git commit` (as a comment)
status = true # show status info in the editor opened by `git commit` (as a comment)
ui = always
advice = always
branch = always
diff = always
grep = always
interactive = always
push = always
remote = always
showBranch = always
status = always
transport = always
ui = auto,column,nodense # should cover all supported commands; I hope
defaultBranch = master
default = simple
followTags = true
guitool = meld # overrides `merge.guitool`
guiDefault = false # do **NOT** open `diff.guitool` even if `DISPLAY` is set
parallel = 0 # multi-threaded fetching
numbered = true
cc = thefirst1322@gmail.com # my other email
signOff = true
allowRemote = false
format = ssh
allowedSignersFile = ~/.ssh/allowed_signers
date = iso8601
showEmail = true
date = iso8601
addIgnoredFile = false