-- appearance vim.cmd.colorscheme 'catppuccin' vim.opt.colorcolumn = '80' vim.opt.cursorcolumn = true vim.opt.cursorline = true vim.opt.termguicolors = true vim.opt.title = true vim.opt.signcolumn = 'yes' vim.opt.showmatch = true vim.opt.list = true vim.opt.listchars:append('space:⋅') vim.opt.listchars:append('precedes:«') vim.opt.listchars:append('extends:»') vim.opt.listchars:append('trail:␣') vim.cmd [[highlight IndentBlanklineIndent1 guifg=#E06C75 gui=nocombine]] vim.cmd [[highlight IndentBlanklineIndent2 guifg=#E5C07B gui=nocombine]] vim.cmd [[highlight IndentBlanklineIndent3 guifg=#98C379 gui=nocombine]] vim.cmd [[highlight IndentBlanklineIndent4 guifg=#56B6C2 gui=nocombine]] vim.cmd [[highlight IndentBlanklineIndent5 guifg=#61AFEF gui=nocombine]] vim.cmd [[highlight IndentBlanklineIndent6 guifg=#C678DD gui=nocombine]] -- indentation vim.opt.autoindent = true vim.opt.expandtab = true vim.opt.tabstop = 4 vim.opt.shiftwidth = 4 vim.opt.softtabstop = 4 vim.opt.breakindent = true -- line numbers vim.opt.number = true vim.opt.relativenumber = true -- behaviour vim.opt.splitright = true -- open splits in right vim.opt.wildmenu = true -- completion in typing vim commands vim.opt.encoding = 'utf-8' -- show command that is being typed with `:` vim.opt.showcmd = true -- spelling vim.opt.spell = true -- search related opts vim.opt.incsearch = true vim.opt.ignorecase = true vim.opt.smartcase = true vim.opt.hlsearch = true vim.o.nogdefault = true -- diable global substitution by default, let me specify it -- speed up vim.opt.timeout = true vim.o.timeoutlen = '300' vim.o.updatetime = '250' vim.o.noswapfile = true -- auto-completion vim.opt.completeopt = 'menuone,preview,noinsert,noselect' -- disable messages like 'match 1 of 2', 'the only match', 'pattern not found', etc vim.opt.shortmess:append('c') -- undo vim.o.undolevels = '200' vim.opt.undodir = vim.fn.expand('~/.nvim/undodir') vim.opt.undofile = true -- disable mouse vim.opt.mouse = 'a' -- clipboard vim.opt.clipboard:append('unnamedplus')