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Commit Graph

62 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Pratham Patel eeaf3946f2
nvim: add ft plugin for nix files 2024-05-11 17:27:12 +05:30
Pratham Patel 42de7d9c83
nvim: add keymap to clear highlighted search 2024-04-17 05:11:09 +05:30
Pratham Patel 1808edb36f
nvim: add autocmd to remove trailing spaces, it is ugly 2024-03-19 17:10:40 +05:30
Pratham Patel 0cbfc75e66
idk how i committed that 2024-02-20 18:29:57 +05:30
Pratham Patel ac96f1dd41
nvim: add indent file for Makefiles 2024-02-16 18:04:40 +05:30
Pratham Patel 1cdfd5a75e
nvim: autoclose.nvim: disable autoclose of single quotes and enable nice markdown autocloses 2024-02-01 19:53:44 +05:30
Pratham Patel 3610b30b00
nvim: tree: have tree on the right side, instead of left 2023-11-23 11:33:01 +05:30
Pratham Patel 01dbb94c3b
nvim: remove unnecessary telescope keymap and also add plugin "sindrets/diffview.nvim" 2023-11-14 14:36:53 +05:30
Pratham Patel 8cb0ded490
nvim: add plugin: NeogitOrg/neogit 2023-11-07 20:06:33 +05:30
Pratham Patel 5f6858535e
nvim: add plugin: oxalica/nil 2023-11-06 08:45:42 +05:30
Pratham Patel 9d9c338a2d
nvim: migrate from indent_blankline (v2) to its v3 (ibl) 2023-10-04 18:40:34 +05:30
Pratham Patel a4e8f6bf4a
nvim: autocomplete: update cmd for ruff_lsp 2023-09-20 06:08:03 +05:30
Pratham Patel 865e5b729b
fix per-filetype indentation 2023-09-09 10:17:59 +05:30
Pratham Patel fc8c699820
add 2-space indentation width for .nix files 2023-09-02 10:50:16 +05:30
Pratham Patel 28b689991b
nvim: improve nil_ls (nix lsp) setup 2023-09-02 08:56:25 +05:30
Pratham Patel ac7761661f
nvim: enable lazy loading of plugins and enable auto-updates 2023-08-31 18:50:12 +05:30
Pratham Patel 5e36ca7911
nvim: address the rewrite warning for fidget.nvim 2023-08-24 15:29:54 +05:30
Pratham Patel d22a8afe8c
nvim: address the sumneko_lua deprication warning 2023-08-24 15:26:12 +05:30
Pratham Patel 886a563ccd
nvim: remove extra autoclose pairs 2023-07-25 07:37:35 +05:30
Pratham Patel ac1742a624
nvim: switch from pylsp to ruff 2023-07-06 09:06:46 +05:30
Pratham Patel aa94700cf6
nvim: add hover keybinding 2023-07-06 08:58:48 +05:30
Pratham Patel d5f0678d8c nvim: convert double quotes to single quotes because ocd 2023-06-19 07:31:58 +05:30
Pratham Patel 4646b38f7f nvim: fix lua lsp setup and add nil, bashls, clangd 2023-06-19 07:29:36 +05:30
Pratham Patel 0ed49a39e8 nvim: remove some parsers because of missing C++ header file on NixOS 2023-06-18 21:34:32 +05:30
Pratham Patel 16cce15af7 nvim: remove yaml parser and allow parser install to be async 2023-06-18 17:50:02 +05:30
Pratham Patel 8c3d9777af nvim: disable perl extension for neovim 2023-06-18 17:49:23 +05:30
Pratham Patel 6f57f97a84 nvim: finally move all the plugin setup to "grouped" files 2023-06-04 19:14:40 +05:30
Pratham Patel c605a72036 nvim: refactor plugins/init.lua
- add and remove plugins
 - group plugins together
 - move as much as plugin setup as I can out of plugins/init.lua
2023-06-04 18:58:19 +05:30
Pratham Patel f8c6b09529 nvim: move plug-init.lua -> plugins/init.lua 2023-06-04 18:51:59 +05:30
Pratham Patel 7153247f06 nvim: move key-bindings.lua -> key-mappings.lua; minor fixes in key-mappings 2023-06-04 18:47:46 +05:30
Pratham Patel a2dd863ac9 nvim: autocmds: add support for "*.sh" in indentation and reorganize it a bit 2023-06-04 17:58:56 +05:30
Pratham Patel a144e2f15c nvim: remove vim.mappings https://github.com/nvim-tree/nvim-tree.lua/wiki/Migrating-To-on_attach 2023-04-28 10:01:41 +05:30
Pratham Patel 0d5b2fab0d nvim: remove treesitter plugins for 'lua' and 'gitcommit' 2023-04-28 10:00:18 +05:30
Pratham Patel 775ff75bc6 nvim: remove 'help' from treesitter langs 2023-04-28 09:31:18 +05:30
Pratham Patel 7c49139dc4 nvim: disable listchar for space 2023-04-09 22:31:51 +05:30
Pratham Patel 97ac373bf0 nvim: add a plugin for crates.io autocompletion 2023-04-01 16:13:06 +05:30
Pratham Patel efc6c3271b nvim: move away from old theme EdenEast/nightfox to catppuccin/nvim 2023-03-25 14:10:38 +05:30
Pratham Patel ee93c15da6 nvim: remove 'lua_ls' as the lua server because mason complaints about it 2023-03-25 13:28:02 +05:30
Pratham Patel 59e254da8d nvim: add plugins for Rust debugging 2023-03-22 11:59:33 +05:30
Pratham Patel 619b7cd4b3 nvim: do not show anything for untracked files 2023-03-19 13:04:21 +05:30
Pratham Patel ba8a9fd093 nvim: major checkpoint where idk what i changed 2023-03-19 11:58:59 +05:30
Pratham Patel 3ae395550b nvim: switch from double quotes to single quotes and some other ADHD+OCD related changes 2023-03-12 18:53:45 +05:30
Pratham Patel ed6efb1fd8 nvim: no longer using Packer 2023-03-12 18:19:01 +05:30
Pratham Patel 5fb9a86683 nvim: set most of these options locally and also set clipboard 2023-03-12 17:47:35 +05:30
Pratham Patel 052d82be9f nvim: add autocmds for yaml, rust, toml, bash, dash, c, cpp and h 2023-03-12 17:27:49 +05:30
Pratham Patel ceb11c1897 new nvim config! x2 2023-03-12 16:41:55 +05:30
Pratham Patel 9616a6722b new nvim config! 2023-03-12 16:41:29 +05:30
Pratham Patel 2f3c0a3198 nvim: do not cargo run everytime a rust file is saved 2023-03-03 16:58:10 +05:30
Pratham Patel d261dc516d neovim: handle the installation of the plugin nvim-treesitter better 2023-02-11 09:35:27 +05:30
Pratham Patel b178cc0d5c finalize neovim tranition from vimscript to lua (as much as I can) 2023-02-10 19:25:03 +05:30