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This commit is contained in:
Pratham Patel 2022-09-23 19:28:12 +05:30
commit 902227b06f
35 changed files with 2211 additions and 0 deletions

.bashrc Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "freebsd"* ]]; then
echo "FreeBSD"
elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "openbsd"* ]]; then
echo "OpenBSD"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,898 @@
# Configuration for Alacritty, the GPU enhanced terminal emulator.
# Import additional configuration files
# Imports are loaded in order, skipping all missing files, with the importing
# file being loaded last. If a field is already present in a previous import, it
# will be replaced.
# All imports must either be absolute paths starting with `/`, or paths relative
# to the user's home directory starting with `~/`.
# - ~/.config/alacritty/load_linux.yml
# - ~/.config/alacritty/load_linux.yml
# Any items in the `env` entry below will be added as
# environment variables. Some entries may override variables
# set by alacritty itself.
# TERM variable
# This value is used to set the `$TERM` environment variable for
# each instance of Alacritty. If it is not present, alacritty will
# check the local terminfo database and use `alacritty` if it is
# available, otherwise `xterm-256color` is used.
# DO NOT USE THIS YET... #TERM: alacritty
#TERM: xterm-256color
# Window dimensions (changes require restart)
# Number of lines/columns (not pixels) in the terminal. Both lines and columns
# must be non-zero for this to take effect. The number of columns must be at
# least `2`, while using a value of `0` for columns and lines will fall back
# to the window manager's recommended size
columns: 100
lines: 30
# Window position (changes require restart)
# Specified in number of pixels.
# If the position is not set, the window manager will handle the placement.
# x: 0
# y: 0
# Window padding (changes require restart)
# Blank space added around the window in pixels. This padding is scaled
# by DPI and the specified value is always added at both opposing sides.
# x: 0
# y: 0
# Spread additional padding evenly around the terminal content.
#dynamic_padding: false
# Window decorations
# Values for `decorations`:
# - full: Borders and title bar
# - none: Neither borders nor title bar
# Values for `decorations` (macOS only):
# - transparent: Title bar, transparent background and title bar buttons
# - buttonless: Title bar, transparent background and no title bar buttons
decorations: none
# Background opacity
# Window opacity as a floating point number from `0.0` to `1.0`.
# The value `0.0` is completely transparent and `1.0` is opaque.
opacity: 0.85
# Startup Mode (changes require restart)
# Values for `startup_mode`:
# - Windowed
# - Maximized
# - Fullscreen
# Values for `startup_mode` (macOS only):
# - SimpleFullscreen
#startup_mode: Windowed
# Window title
#title: Alacritty
# Allow terminal applications to change Alacritty's window title.
dynamic_title: true
# Window class (Linux/BSD only):
# Application instance name
instance: Alacritty
# General application class
general: Alacritty
# Decorations theme variant (Linux/BSD only)
# Override the variant of the GTK theme/Wayland client side decorations.
# Commonly supported values are `dark` and `light`. Set this to `None` to use
# the default theme variant.
#decorations_theme_variant: dark
# Maximum number of lines in the scrollback buffer.
# Specifying '0' will disable scrolling.
history: 10000
# Scrolling distance multiplier.
#multiplier: 3
# Font configuration
# Normal (roman) font face
# Font family
# Default:
# - (macOS) Menlo
# - (Linux/BSD) monospace
# - (Windows) Consolas
family: "Overpass Mono"
# The `style` can be specified to pick a specific face.
style: Regular
# Bold font face
# Font family
# If the bold family is not specified, it will fall back to the
# value specified for the normal font.
family: "Overpass Mono"
# The `style` can be specified to pick a specific face.
style: Bold
# Italic font face
# Font family
# If the italic family is not specified, it will fall back to the
# value specified for the normal font.
family: "Overpass Mono"
# The `style` can be specified to pick a specific face.
style: Italic
# Bold italic font face
# Font family
# If the bold italic family is not specified, it will fall back to the
# value specified for the normal font.
family: "Overpass Mono"
# The `style` can be specified to pick a specific face.
style: Bold Italic
# Point size
size: 12.0
# Offset is the extra space around each character. `offset.y` can be thought
# of as modifying the line spacing, and `offset.x` as modifying the letter
# spacing.
# x: 0
# y: 0
# Glyph offset determines the locations of the glyphs within their cells with
# the default being at the bottom. Increasing `x` moves the glyph to the
# right, increasing `y` moves the glyph upward.
# x: 0
# y: 0
# Use built-in font for box drawing characters.
# If `true`, Alacritty will use a custom built-in font for box drawing
# characters (Unicode points 2500 - 259f).
#builtin_box_drawing: true
# If `true`, bold text is drawn using the bright color variants.
draw_bold_text_with_bright_colors: false
# Colors (Tomorrow Night)
# Default colors
# background: '#1d1f21'
# foreground: '#c5c8c6'
# Bright and dim foreground colors
# The dimmed foreground color is calculated automatically if it is not
# present. If the bright foreground color is not set, or
# `draw_bold_text_with_bright_colors` is `false`, the normal foreground
# color will be used.
#dim_foreground: '#828482'
#bright_foreground: '#eaeaea'
# Cursor colors
# Colors which should be used to draw the terminal cursor.
# Allowed values are CellForeground/CellBackground, which reference the
# affected cell, or hexadecimal colors like #ff00ff.
text: '0xffffff'
# cursor: CellForeground
# Vi mode cursor colors
# Colors for the cursor when the vi mode is active.
# Allowed values are CellForeground/CellBackground, which reference the
# affected cell, or hexadecimal colors like #ff00ff.
# text: CellBackground
# cursor: CellForeground
# Search colors
# Colors used for the search bar and match highlighting.
# Allowed values are CellForeground/CellBackground, which reference the
# affected cell, or hexadecimal colors like #ff00ff.
# foreground: '#000000'
# background: '#ffffff'
# foreground: '#ffffff'
# background: '#000000'
# Keyboard hints
# First character in the hint label
# Allowed values are CellForeground/CellBackground, which reference the
# affected cell, or hexadecimal colors like #ff00ff.
# foreground: '#1d1f21'
# background: '#e9ff5e'
# All characters after the first one in the hint label
# Allowed values are CellForeground/CellBackground, which reference the
# affected cell, or hexadecimal colors like #ff00ff.
# foreground: '#e9ff5e'
# background: '#1d1f21'
# Line indicator
# Color used for the indicator displaying the position in history during
# search and vi mode.
# By default, these will use the opposing primary color.
# foreground: None
# background: None
# Footer bar
# Color used for the footer bar on the bottom, used by search regex input,
# hyperlink URI preview, etc.
# background: '#c5c8c6'
# foreground: '#1d1f21'
# Selection colors
# Colors which should be used to draw the selection area.
# Allowed values are CellForeground/CellBackground, which reference the
# affected cell, or hexadecimal colors like #ff00ff.
text: '0x000000'
# background: CellForeground
# Normal colors
# black: '#1d1f21'
# red: '#cc6666'
# green: '#b5bd68'
# yellow: '#f0c674'
# blue: '#81a2be'
# magenta: '#b294bb'
# cyan: '#8abeb7'
# white: '#c5c8c6'
# Bright colors
# black: '#666666'
# red: '#d54e53'
# green: '#b9ca4a'
# yellow: '#e7c547'
# blue: '#7aa6da'
# magenta: '#c397d8'
# cyan: '#70c0b1'
# white: '#eaeaea'
# Dim colors
# If the dim colors are not set, they will be calculated automatically based
# on the `normal` colors.
# black: '#131415'
# red: '#864343'
# green: '#777c44'
# yellow: '#9e824c'
# blue: '#556a7d'
# magenta: '#75617b'
# cyan: '#5b7d78'
# white: '#828482'
# Indexed Colors
# The indexed colors include all colors from 16 to 256.
# When these are not set, they're filled with sensible defaults.
# Example:
# `- { index: 16, color: '#ff00ff' }`
#indexed_colors: []
# Transparent cell backgrounds
# Whether or not `window.opacity` applies to all cell backgrounds or only to
# the default background. When set to `true` all cells will be transparent
# regardless of their background color.
#transparent_background_colors: false
# Bell
# The bell is rung every time the BEL control character is received.
# Visual Bell Animation
# Animation effect for flashing the screen when the visual bell is rung.
# Values for `animation`:
# - Ease
# - EaseOut
# - EaseOutSine
# - EaseOutQuad
# - EaseOutCubic
# - EaseOutQuart
# - EaseOutQuint
# - EaseOutExpo
# - EaseOutCirc
# - Linear
#animation: EaseOutExpo
# Duration of the visual bell flash in milliseconds. A `duration` of `0` will
# disable the visual bell animation.
#duration: 0
# Visual bell animation color.
#color: '#ffffff'
# Bell Command
# This program is executed whenever the bell is rung.
# When set to `command: None`, no command will be executed.
# Example:
# command:
# program: notify-send
# args: ["Hello, World!"]
#command: None
# This string contains all characters that are used as separators for
# "semantic words" in Alacritty.
#semantic_escape_chars: ",│`|:\"' ()[]{}<>\t"
# When set to `true`, selected text will be copied to the primary clipboard.
#save_to_clipboard: false
# Cursor style
# Cursor shape
# Values for `shape`:
# - ▇ Block
# - _ Underline
# - | Beam
shape: Block
# Cursor blinking state
# Values for `blinking`:
# - Never: Prevent the cursor from ever blinking
# - Off: Disable blinking by default
# - On: Enable blinking by default
# - Always: Force the cursor to always blink
blinking: On
# Vi mode cursor style
# If the vi mode cursor style is `None` or not specified, it will fall back to
# the style of the active value of the normal cursor.
# See `cursor.style` for available options.
#vi_mode_style: None
# Cursor blinking interval in milliseconds.
blink_interval: 750
# Time after which cursor stops blinking, in seconds.
# Specifying '0' will disable timeout for blinking.
#blink_timeout: 5
# If this is `true`, the cursor will be rendered as a hollow box when the
# window is not focused.
unfocused_hollow: true
# Thickness of the cursor relative to the cell width as floating point number
# from `0.0` to `1.0`.
#thickness: 0.15
# Live config reload (changes require restart)
live_config_reload: true
# Shell
# You can set `shell.program` to the path of your favorite shell, e.g.
# `/bin/fish`. Entries in `shell.args` are passed unmodified as arguments to the
# shell.
# Default:
# - (Linux/BSD/macOS) `$SHELL` or the user's login shell, if `$SHELL` is unset
# - (Windows) powershell
# program: /bin/bash
# args:
# - --login
# Startup directory
# Directory the shell is started in. If this is unset, or `None`, the working
# directory of the parent process will be used.
#working_directory: None
# Send ESC (\x1b) before characters when alt is pressed.
#alt_send_esc: true
# Offer IPC using `alacritty msg` (unix only)
#ipc_socket: true
# Click settings
# The `double_click` and `triple_click` settings control the time
# alacritty should wait for accepting multiple clicks as one double
# or triple click.
#double_click: { threshold: 300 }
#triple_click: { threshold: 300 }
# If this is `true`, the cursor is temporarily hidden when typing.
#hide_when_typing: false
# Hints
# Terminal hints can be used to find text or hyperlink in the visible part of
# the terminal and pipe it to other applications.
# Keys used for the hint labels.
#alphabet: "jfkdls;ahgurieowpq"
# List with all available hints
# Each hint must have any of `regex` or `hyperlinks` field and either an
# `action` or a `command` field. The fields `mouse`, `binding` and
# `post_processing` are optional.
# The `hyperlinks` option will cause OSC 8 escape sequence hyperlinks to be
# highlighted.
# The fields `command`, `binding.key`, `binding.mods`, `binding.mode` and
# `mouse.mods` accept the same values as they do in the `key_bindings` section.
# The `mouse.enabled` field controls if the hint should be underlined while
# the mouse with all `mouse.mods` keys held or the vi mode cursor is above it.
# If the `post_processing` field is set to `true`, heuristics will be used to
# shorten the match if there are characters likely not to be part of the hint
# (e.g. a trailing `.`). This is most useful for URIs and applies only to
# `regex` matches.
# Values for `action`:
# - Copy
# Copy the hint's text to the clipboard.
# - Paste
# Paste the hint's text to the terminal or search.
# - Select
# Select the hint's text.
# - MoveViModeCursor
# Move the vi mode cursor to the beginning of the hint.
# - regex: "(ipfs:|ipns:|magnet:|mailto:|gemini:|gopher:|https:|http:|news:|file:|git:|ssh:|ftp:)\
# [^\u0000-\u001F\u007F-\u009F<>\"\\s{-}\\^⟨⟩`]+"
# hyperlinks: true
# command: xdg-open
# post_processing: true
# mouse:
# enabled: true
# mods: None
# binding:
# key: U
# mods: Control|Shift
# Mouse bindings
# Mouse bindings are specified as a list of objects, much like the key
# bindings further below.
# To trigger mouse bindings when an application running within Alacritty
# captures the mouse, the `Shift` modifier is automatically added as a
# requirement.
# Each mouse binding will specify a:
# - `mouse`:
# - Middle
# - Left
# - Right
# - Numeric identifier such as `5`
# - `action` (see key bindings for actions not exclusive to mouse mode)
# - Mouse exclusive actions:
# - ExpandSelection
# Expand the selection to the current mouse cursor location.
# And optionally:
# - `mods` (see key bindings)
# - { mouse: Right, action: ExpandSelection }
# - { mouse: Right, mods: Control, action: ExpandSelection }
# - { mouse: Middle, mode: ~Vi, action: PasteSelection }
# Key bindings
# Key bindings are specified as a list of objects. For example, this is the
# default paste binding:
# `- { key: V, mods: Control|Shift, action: Paste }`
# Each key binding will specify a:
# - `key`: Identifier of the key pressed
# - A-Z
# - F1-F24
# - Key0-Key9
# A full list with available key codes can be found here:
# https://docs.rs/glutin/*/glutin/event/enum.VirtualKeyCode.html#variants
# Instead of using the name of the keys, the `key` field also supports using
# the scancode of the desired key. Scancodes have to be specified as a
# decimal number. This command will allow you to display the hex scancodes
# for certain keys:
# `showkey --scancodes`.
# Then exactly one of:
# - `chars`: Send a byte sequence to the running application
# The `chars` field writes the specified string to the terminal. This makes
# it possible to pass escape sequences. To find escape codes for bindings
# like `PageUp` (`"\x1b[5~"`), you can run the command `showkey -a` outside
# of tmux. Note that applications use terminfo to map escape sequences back
# to keys. It is therefore required to update the terminfo when changing an
# escape sequence.
# - `action`: Execute a predefined action
# - ToggleViMode
# - SearchForward
# Start searching toward the right of the search origin.
# - SearchBackward
# Start searching toward the left of the search origin.
# - Copy
# - Paste
# - IncreaseFontSize
# - DecreaseFontSize
# - ResetFontSize
# - ScrollPageUp
# - ScrollPageDown
# - ScrollHalfPageUp
# - ScrollHalfPageDown
# - ScrollLineUp
# - ScrollLineDown
# - ScrollToTop
# - ScrollToBottom
# - ClearHistory
# Remove the terminal's scrollback history.
# - Hide
# Hide the Alacritty window.
# - Minimize
# Minimize the Alacritty window.
# - Quit
# Quit Alacritty.
# - ToggleFullscreen
# - SpawnNewInstance
# Spawn a new instance of Alacritty.
# - CreateNewWindow
# Create a new Alacritty window from the current process.
# - ClearLogNotice
# Clear Alacritty's UI warning and error notice.
# - ClearSelection
# Remove the active selection.
# - ReceiveChar
# - None
# - Vi mode exclusive actions:
# - Open
# Perform the action of the first matching hint under the vi mode cursor
# with `mouse.enabled` set to `true`.
# - ToggleNormalSelection
# - ToggleLineSelection
# - ToggleBlockSelection
# - ToggleSemanticSelection
# Toggle semantic selection based on `selection.semantic_escape_chars`.
# - CenterAroundViCursor
# Center view around vi mode cursor
# - Vi mode exclusive cursor motion actions:
# - Up
# One line up.
# - Down
# One line down.
# - Left
# One character left.
# - Right
# One character right.
# - First
# First column, or beginning of the line when already at the first column.
# - Last
# Last column, or beginning of the line when already at the last column.
# - FirstOccupied
# First non-empty cell in this terminal row, or first non-empty cell of
# the line when already at the first cell of the row.
# - High
# Top of the screen.
# - Middle
# Center of the screen.
# - Low
# Bottom of the screen.
# - SemanticLeft
# Start of the previous semantically separated word.
# - SemanticRight
# Start of the next semantically separated word.
# - SemanticLeftEnd
# End of the previous semantically separated word.
# - SemanticRightEnd
# End of the next semantically separated word.
# - WordLeft
# Start of the previous whitespace separated word.
# - WordRight
# Start of the next whitespace separated word.
# - WordLeftEnd
# End of the previous whitespace separated word.
# - WordRightEnd
# End of the next whitespace separated word.
# - Bracket
# Character matching the bracket at the cursor's location.
# - SearchNext
# Beginning of the next match.
# - SearchPrevious
# Beginning of the previous match.
# - SearchStart
# Start of the match to the left of the vi mode cursor.
# - SearchEnd
# End of the match to the right of the vi mode cursor.
# - Search mode exclusive actions:
# - SearchFocusNext
# Move the focus to the next search match.
# - SearchFocusPrevious
# Move the focus to the previous search match.
# - SearchConfirm
# - SearchCancel
# - SearchClear
# Reset the search regex.
# - SearchDeleteWord
# Delete the last word in the search regex.
# - SearchHistoryPrevious
# Go to the previous regex in the search history.
# - SearchHistoryNext
# Go to the next regex in the search history.
# - macOS exclusive actions:
# - ToggleSimpleFullscreen
# Enter fullscreen without occupying another space.
# - Linux/BSD exclusive actions:
# - CopySelection
# Copy from the selection buffer.
# - PasteSelection
# Paste from the selection buffer.
# - `command`: Fork and execute a specified command plus arguments
# The `command` field must be a map containing a `program` string and an
# `args` array of command line parameter strings. For example:
# `{ program: "alacritty", args: ["-e", "vttest"] }`
# And optionally:
# - `mods`: Key modifiers to filter binding actions
# - Command
# - Control
# - Option
# - Super
# - Shift
# - Alt
# Multiple `mods` can be combined using `|` like this:
# `mods: Control|Shift`.
# Whitespace and capitalization are relevant and must match the example.
# - `mode`: Indicate a binding for only specific terminal reported modes
# This is mainly used to send applications the correct escape sequences
# when in different modes.
# - AppCursor
# - AppKeypad
# - Search
# - Alt
# - Vi
# A `~` operator can be used before a mode to apply the binding whenever
# the mode is *not* active, e.g. `~Alt`.
# Bindings are always filled by default, but will be replaced when a new
# binding with the same triggers is defined. To unset a default binding, it can
# be mapped to the `ReceiveChar` action. Alternatively, you can use `None` for
# a no-op if you do not wish to receive input characters for that binding.
# If the same trigger is assigned to multiple actions, all of them are executed
# in the order they were defined in.
#- { key: Paste, action: Paste }
#- { key: Copy, action: Copy }
#- { key: L, mods: Control, action: ClearLogNotice }
#- { key: L, mods: Control, mode: ~Vi|~Search, chars: "\x0c" }
#- { key: PageUp, mods: Shift, mode: ~Alt, action: ScrollPageUp }
#- { key: PageDown, mods: Shift, mode: ~Alt, action: ScrollPageDown }
#- { key: Home, mods: Shift, mode: ~Alt, action: ScrollToTop }
#- { key: End, mods: Shift, mode: ~Alt, action: ScrollToBottom }
# Vi Mode
#- { key: Space, mods: Shift|Control, mode: ~Search, action: ToggleViMode }
#- { key: Space, mods: Shift|Control, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ScrollToBottom }
#- { key: Escape, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ClearSelection }
#- { key: I, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ToggleViMode }
#- { key: I, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ScrollToBottom }
#- { key: C, mods: Control, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ToggleViMode }
#- { key: Y, mods: Control, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ScrollLineUp }
#- { key: E, mods: Control, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ScrollLineDown }
#- { key: G, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ScrollToTop }
#- { key: G, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ScrollToBottom }
#- { key: B, mods: Control, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ScrollPageUp }
#- { key: F, mods: Control, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ScrollPageDown }
#- { key: U, mods: Control, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ScrollHalfPageUp }
#- { key: D, mods: Control, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ScrollHalfPageDown }
#- { key: Y, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Copy }
#- { key: Y, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ClearSelection }
#- { key: Copy, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ClearSelection }
#- { key: V, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ToggleNormalSelection }
#- { key: V, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ToggleLineSelection }
#- { key: V, mods: Control, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ToggleBlockSelection }
#- { key: V, mods: Alt, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ToggleSemanticSelection }
#- { key: Return, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Open }
#- { key: Z, mode: Vi|~Search, action: CenterAroundViCursor }
#- { key: K, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Up }
#- { key: J, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Down }
#- { key: H, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Left }
#- { key: L, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Right }
#- { key: Up, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Up }
#- { key: Down, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Down }
#- { key: Left, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Left }
#- { key: Right, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Right }
#- { key: Key0, mode: Vi|~Search, action: First }
#- { key: Key4, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Last }
#- { key: Key6, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: FirstOccupied }
#- { key: H, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: High }
#- { key: M, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Middle }
#- { key: L, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Low }
#- { key: B, mode: Vi|~Search, action: SemanticLeft }
#- { key: W, mode: Vi|~Search, action: SemanticRight }
#- { key: E, mode: Vi|~Search, action: SemanticRightEnd }
#- { key: B, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: WordLeft }
#- { key: W, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: WordRight }
#- { key: E, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: WordRightEnd }
#- { key: Key5, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Bracket }
#- { key: Slash, mode: Vi|~Search, action: SearchForward }
#- { key: Slash, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: SearchBackward }
#- { key: N, mode: Vi|~Search, action: SearchNext }
#- { key: N, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: SearchPrevious }
# Search Mode
#- { key: Return, mode: Search|Vi, action: SearchConfirm }
#- { key: Escape, mode: Search, action: SearchCancel }
#- { key: C, mods: Control, mode: Search, action: SearchCancel }
#- { key: U, mods: Control, mode: Search, action: SearchClear }
#- { key: W, mods: Control, mode: Search, action: SearchDeleteWord }
#- { key: P, mods: Control, mode: Search, action: SearchHistoryPrevious }
#- { key: N, mods: Control, mode: Search, action: SearchHistoryNext }
#- { key: Up, mode: Search, action: SearchHistoryPrevious }
#- { key: Down, mode: Search, action: SearchHistoryNext }
#- { key: Return, mode: Search|~Vi, action: SearchFocusNext }
#- { key: Return, mods: Shift, mode: Search|~Vi, action: SearchFocusPrevious }
# (Windows, Linux, and BSD only)
#- { key: V, mods: Control|Shift, mode: ~Vi, action: Paste }
#- { key: C, mods: Control|Shift, action: Copy }
#- { key: F, mods: Control|Shift, mode: ~Search, action: SearchForward }
#- { key: B, mods: Control|Shift, mode: ~Search, action: SearchBackward }
#- { key: C, mods: Control|Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ClearSelection }
#- { key: Insert, mods: Shift, action: PasteSelection }
#- { key: Key0, mods: Control, action: ResetFontSize }
#- { key: Equals, mods: Control, action: IncreaseFontSize }
#- { key: Plus, mods: Control, action: IncreaseFontSize }
#- { key: NumpadAdd, mods: Control, action: IncreaseFontSize }
#- { key: Minus, mods: Control, action: DecreaseFontSize }
#- { key: NumpadSubtract, mods: Control, action: DecreaseFontSize }
# (Windows only)
#- { key: Return, mods: Alt, action: ToggleFullscreen }
# (macOS only)
#- { key: K, mods: Command, mode: ~Vi|~Search, chars: "\x0c" }
#- { key: K, mods: Command, mode: ~Vi|~Search, action: ClearHistory }
#- { key: Key0, mods: Command, action: ResetFontSize }
#- { key: Equals, mods: Command, action: IncreaseFontSize }
#- { key: Plus, mods: Command, action: IncreaseFontSize }
#- { key: NumpadAdd, mods: Command, action: IncreaseFontSize }
#- { key: Minus, mods: Command, action: DecreaseFontSize }
#- { key: NumpadSubtract, mods: Command, action: DecreaseFontSize }
#- { key: V, mods: Command, action: Paste }
#- { key: C, mods: Command, action: Copy }
#- { key: C, mods: Command, mode: Vi|~Search, action: ClearSelection }
#- { key: H, mods: Command, action: Hide }
#- { key: H, mods: Command|Alt, action: HideOtherApplications }
#- { key: M, mods: Command, action: Minimize }
#- { key: Q, mods: Command, action: Quit }
#- { key: W, mods: Command, action: Quit }
#- { key: N, mods: Command, action: SpawnNewInstance }
#- { key: F, mods: Command|Control, action: ToggleFullscreen }
#- { key: F, mods: Command, mode: ~Search, action: SearchForward }
#- { key: B, mods: Command, mode: ~Search, action: SearchBackward }
# Display the time it takes to redraw each frame.
#render_timer: false
# Keep the log file after quitting Alacritty.
#persistent_logging: false
# Log level
# Values for `log_level`:
# - Off
# - Error
# - Warn
# - Info
# - Debug
# - Trace
#log_level: Warn
# Print all received window events.
#print_events: false
# Highlight window damage information.
#highlight_damage: false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
- { key: V, mods: Control|Shift, action: Paste }
- { key: C, mods: Control|Shift, action: Copy }
- { key: F11, mods: None, action: ToggleFullscreen }
- { key: L, mods: Control, chars: "\x0c" }
- { key: Key0, mods: Control, action: ResetFontSize }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
- { key: Left, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[1;5D" }
- { key: Right, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[1;5C" }
- { key: L, mods: Control, chars: "\x0c" }
- { key: Key6, mods: Control, chars: "\x1e" }
- { key: V, mods: Command, action: Paste }
- { key: C, mods: Command, action: Copy }
- { key: Key0, mods: Command, action: ResetFontSize }

.config/bspwm/bspwmrc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
bash $HOME/.config/feh/fehbg &
bash $HOME/.config/polybar/launch.sh &
pgrep -x sxhkd > /dev/null || sxhkd &
bspc monitor -d work virtualization music other extra extraa
bspc config border_width 6
bspc config window_gap 12
bspc config focused_border_color \#FF0000
bspc config active_border_color \#FFFFFF
bspc config normal_border_color \#FFFFFF #08C96B
bspc config presel_border_color \#A57FE8
bspc config split_ratio 0.5
bspc config borderless_monocle false
bspc config gapless_monocle true
bspc config left_padding 8
bspc config bottom_padding 8
bspc config top_padding 8
bspc config right_padding 8
bspc config left_monocle_padding 6
bspc config bottom_monocle_padding 6
bspc config top_monocle_padding 6
bspc config right_monocle_padding 6
bspc config focus_follows_pointer false
bspc config pointer_follows_focus false
bspc config pointer_follows_monitor false
bspc config center_pseudo_tiled false
bspc rule -a mpv state=floating
bspc rule -a "Nvidia-settings" state=floating
bspc rule -a "VirtualBox Machine" state=pseudo_tiled
bspc rule -a "Virt-manager" state=psuedo_tiled

.config/feh/fehbg Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
feh --bg-fill --no-fehbg --randomize $HOME/Pictures/*.jpg

.config/mpv/input.conf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
[ playlist-prev
] playlist-next
> playlist-next
< playlist-prev
h seek -1 exact
l seek 1 exact
H seek -30 exact
L seek 30 exact
m cycle mute
j add volume -1
k add volume 1
J add volume -5
K add volume 5
g seek 0 absolute
G seek -2 absolute
i script-binding stats/display-stats
I script-binding stats/display-stats-toggle
p show-progress
o show-progress
s add sub-scale -0.1
S add sub-scale +0.1
z cycle sub
Z cycle sub down
a cycle audio
A cycle audio down
UP cycle audio
DOWN cycle audio down
RIGHT cycle sub
LEFT cycle sub down
WHEEL_UP ignore
{ multiply speed 0.5
} multiply speed 2.0
ESC set speed 1.0
c screenshot
C screenshot video
c screenshot
C screenshot video
x add sub-delay +0.1
X add sub-delay -0.1
PLAY cycle pause
PAUSE cycle pause
PLAYPAUSE cycle pause
PLAYONLY set pause no
PAUSEONLY set pause yes
STOP quit
R cycle-values loop-file "inf" "no"
r cycle-values loop-file "inf" "no"

.config/mpv/mpv.conf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@

.config/nvim/init.vim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
" ==============================================================================
" Plugins
" ==============================================================================
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
" base16 theme
Plug 'chriskempson/base16-vim'
" ncm2 (Neovim-only auto-complete)
"Plug 'roxma/nvim-yarp'
"Plug 'ncm2/ncm2'
"Plug 'ncm2/ncm2-bufword'
"Plug 'ncm2/ncm2-path'
" Fuzzy finder
Plug 'airblade/vim-rooter'
Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'dir': '~/.fzf', 'do': './install --all' }
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
" vim ripgrep
Plug 'jremmen/vim-ripgrep'
" .rs
Plug 'rust-lang/rust.vim'
"Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'}
"Plug 'dense-analysis/ale'
"Plug 'wuelnerdotexe/vim-enfocado'
"Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
Plug 'preservim/nerdtree'
"Plug 'pineapplegiant/spaceduck'
"Plug 'pineapplegiant/spaceduck', { 'branch': 'main' }
call plug#end()
" ==============================================================================
" Neovim core(?)
" ==============================================================================
" dealing with files
syntax on
filetype plugin indent on
set colorcolumn=72
set autoindent expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4
set encoding=utf-8
" appearance
set number relativenumber
set noshowmode
set showcmd
set timeoutlen=300 " (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2158516/delay-before-o-opens-a-new-line)
set spell
set termguicolors
set cursorline
let base16colorspace=256
colorscheme base16-gruvbox-dark-hard
colorscheme base16-google-dark
"set cursorcolumn
"set clipboard=unnamed,unnamedplus
set title
set noswapfile
"set lazyredraw
"set ttyfast (https://neovim.io/doc/user/vim_diff.html#'ttyfast')
" undo
set undolevels=200
set undodir=~/.vimdid
set undofile
" search
set incsearch ignorecase smartcase hlsearch
" do not substitute _globally_
set nogdefault
set visualbell
set wildmenu
set showmatch
set pastetoggle=<F2>
"set guifont=Fira\ Code:h12
"set viminfo=
" ==============================================================================
" Auto-complete (ncm2)
" ==============================================================================
" enable ncm2 for all buffers
"autocmd BufEnter * call ncm2#enable_for_buffer()
" IMPORTANT: :help Ncm2PopupOpen for more information
"set completeopt=noinsert,menuone,noselect
" ncm2: CTRL-C doesn't trigger the InsertLeave autocmd . map to <ESC> instead.
"inoremap <c-c> <ESC>
" When the <Enter> key is pressed while the popup menu is visible, it only
" hides the menu. Use this mapping to close the menu and also start a new
" line.
"inoremap <expr> <CR> (pumvisible() ? "\<c-y>\<cr>" : "\<CR>")
" Use <TAB> to select the popup menu:
"inoremap <expr> <Tab> pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" : "\<Tab>"
"inoremap <expr> <S-Tab> pumvisible() ? "\<C-p>" : "\<S-Tab>"
" ==============================================================================
" Rust
" ==============================================================================
let g:rustfmt_autosave = 1
let g:rustfmt_emit_files = 1
let g:rustfmt_fail_silently = 0
"let g:ale_linters = {'rust': ['analyzer']}
"au Filetype rust set colorcolumn=80
"au Filetype c set colorcolumn=80
"let g:LanguageClient_serverCommands = {
" \ 'rust': ['rust-analyzer'],
" \ }
"let g:ale_linters = {'rust': ['rustc', 'rls']}
" ==============================================================================
" Statusline
" ==============================================================================
" Define all the different modes
let g:currentmode={
\ 'n' : 'NORMAL',
\ 'v' : 'VISUAL',
\ 'V' : 'V·LINE',
\ '^V' : 'V·BLOCK',
\ 's' : 'SELECT',
\ 'S' : 'S·LINE',
\ '^S' : 'S·BLOCK',
\ 'i' : 'INSERT',
\ 'R' : 'REPLACE',
\ 'Rv' : 'V·REPLACE',
\ 'c' : 'COMMAND',
\ 'cv' : 'VIM EX',
\ 'ce' : 'EX',
\ 'r' : 'PROMPT',
\ 'rm' : 'MORE',
\ 'r?' : 'CONFIRM',
\ '!' : 'SHELL',
\ 't' : 'TERMINAL'
set statusline=
" 2 space padding
set statusline+=%#ErrorMsg#\ \
" shows mode
set statusline+=%#Search#\ %{g:currentmode[mode()]}\
" shows '[+]' if modified else '[0]'
set statusline+=%#ErrorMsg#\ %{&modified?'[+]':'[0]'}\
" show if a file is readonly
set statusline+=%#Question#%{&readonly?'[RO]':'[RW]'}\
" show the file name
set statusline+=%#CursorLineNr#\ %f\
" show filename
set statusline+=%#SignColumn#\(%{wordcount().words}\)\ %#Comment#
" show wc
set statusline+=%=
" show file format dos/UNIX
set statusline+=%#Title#%{&ff}\
" show encoding format
set statusline+=%#Directory#%{&fileencoding}\
" show the syntax/file type eg Rust, C, Python, Vim etc
set statusline+=%#Todo#\ %Y\
" show percentage through a file
set statusline+=%#Identifier#\ %p%%
" show the currentline/totallines
set statusline+=%#Normal#\ %lL\
" show column number
set statusline+=%#CursorColumn#\ %cC\
" 2 space padding
set statusline+=%#Normal#\ \
set laststatus=2
" ==============================================================================
" key bindings
" ==============================================================================
" Jump to start and end of line using the home row keys
map H ^
map L $
" remap uppercase J and K to their lowercase counterparts;
" been bitten too many times
nnoremap K k
nnoremap J j
"inoremap K k
"inoremap J j
"map-command [map-arg] {lhs} {rhs}
nnoremap <C-J> <C-W><C-J>
nnoremap <C-K> <C-W><C-K>
nnoremap <C-L> <C-W><C-L>
nnoremap <C-H> <C-W><C-H>
"enable nerdtree with ^\
map <C-Bslash> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
" ==============================================================================
" change highlight color when yanking
" ==============================================================================
au TextYankPost * silent! lua vim.highlight.on_yank {higroup="Visual", timeout=250}

.config/polybar/config.ini Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
background = #222
background-alt = #444
background-transparent = #00000000
foreground = #dfdfdf
foreground-alt = #555
primary = #ffb52a
secondary = #e60053
alert = #bd2c40
inner = 1
outer = 1
width = 100%
height = 40
radius = 0.0
fixed-center = true
background = ${colors.background}
foreground = ${colors.foreground}
line-size = 2
line-color = #f00
border-size = 8
border-color = #00000000
module-margin-right = 2
font-0 = Fira Code:pixelsize=14;1
font-1 = forkawesome:pixelsize=14;1
font-2 = fixed:pixelsize=10;1
font-3 = unifont:fontformat=truetype:size=8:antialias=false;0
font-4 = siji:pixelsize=10;1
modules-left = bspwm date
modules-center = xwindow mpv
modules-right = alsa cpu memory eth
tray-position = right
tray-padding = 1
cursor-click = pointer
cursor-scroll = ns-resize
wm-restack = bspwm
type = internal/xwindow
label = %title%
label-maxlen = 100
label-empty =
type = internal/bspwm
enable-click = true
enable-scroll = false
reverse-scroll = false
label-focused = [%index%: %name%]
label-focused-background = ${colors.background-alt}
label-focused-underline= ${colors.primary}
label-focused-padding = 1
label-occupied = %index%: %name%
label-occupied-padding = 1
label-urgent = %index%!: %name%!
label-urgent-background = ${colors.alert}
label-urgent-padding = 1
label-empty = %{F#dfdfdf}%index%%{F-}: %{F#555}%name%%{F-}
label-empty-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
label-empty-padding = 1
type = internal/i3
format = <label-state> <label-mode>
index-sort = true
wrapping-scroll = false
strip-wsnumbers = true
label-mode-padding = 1
label-mode-foreground = #000
label-mode-background = ${colors.primary}
label-focused = %name%
label-focused-background = ${colors.background-alt}
label-focused-underline= ${colors.primary}
label-focused-padding = 1
label-unfocused = %name%
label-unfocused-padding = 1
label-visible = %name%
label-visible-background = ${self.label-focused-background}
label-visible-underline = ${self.label-focused-underline}
label-visible-padding = ${self.label-focused-padding}
label-urgent = %name%
label-urgent-background = ${colors.alert}
label-urgent-padding = 1
type = internal/cpu
label = CPU: %percentage%%
interval = 2
format-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
format-underline = #f90000
type = internal/memory
label = %gb_used%/%gb_total%
interval = 2
format-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
format-underline = #4bffdc
type = internal/network
interface = enp5s0
interval = 1.0
label-connected = ↓%downspeed:9% ↑%upspeed:9%
label-disconnected = NETWORK DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (%ifname%)
format-connected-underline = #55aa55
format-disconnected-underline = ${colors.alert}
type = internal/date
label = %date% %time%
interval = 1
date-alt = "%d/%m/%y"
time-alt = %H:%M:%S
date = "%a %d-%b %Y"
time = %H:%M:%S
format-underline = #0a6cf5
type = custom/script
exec = $HOME/.config/polybar/mods/module_mpv.sh
label-foreground = #FFA500
interval = 1
click-left = echo 'cycle pause' | socat - /tmp/mpvsocket
click-right = echo 'cycle mute' | socat - /tmp/mpvsocket
type = custom/menu
expand-right = true
format-spacing = 1
label-open = "|  "
label-open-foreground = #ECEFF4
label-close = "| "
label-close-foreground = #EBCB8B
label-separator = :
label-separator-foreground = #A3BE8C
menu-0-0 = "Power Off"
menu-0-0-exec = menu-open-1
menu-0-1 = "Reboot"
menu-0-1-exec = menu-open-2
menu-0-2 = "Suspend"
menu-0-2-exec = menu-open-3
menu-0-3 = "Log Out "
menu-0-3-exec = menu-open-4
menu-1-0 = "Power Off"
menu-1-0-exec = systemctl poweroff
menu-1-1 = "Cancel "
menu-1-1-exec = menu-open-0
menu-2-0 = "Reboot"
menu-2-0-exec = systemctl reboot
menu-2-1 = "Cancel "
menu-2-1-exec = menu-open-0
menu-3-0 = "Suspend"
menu-3-0-exec = $HOME/.config/polybar/mods/module_suspend_script.sh
menu-3-1 = "Cancel "
menu-3-1-exec = menu-open-0
menu-4-0 = "Log Out"
menu-4-0-exec = bspc quit
menu-4-1 = "Cancel "
menu-4-1-exec = menu-open-0
type = internal/alsa
interval = 10
format-volume = Sound: <label-volume> |
label-muted = Sound: muted |
label-muted-foreground = #66
screenchange-reload = true
margin-top = 5
margin-bottom = 5

.config/polybar/launch.sh Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Terminate already running bar instances
killall -q polybar
# Wait until the processes have been shut down
while pgrep -u $UID -x polybar >/dev/null; do sleep 1; done
# Launch Polybar, using default config location ~/.config/polybar/config
polybar top -c $HOME/.config/polybar/config.ini &

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [[ $(pidof mpv) ]]; then
POS=$(echo '{ "command": ["get_property_string", "time-pos"] }' | socat - /tmp/mpvsocket | jq .data | tr '"' ' ' | cut -d'.' -f 1)
DUR=$(echo '{ "command": ["get_property_string", "duration"] }' | socat - /tmp/mpvsocket | jq .data | tr '"' ' ' | cut -d'.' -f 1)
METADATA=$(echo '{ "command": ["get_property", "media-title"] }' | socat - /tmp/mpvsocket | awk -F "\"*,\"*" '{print $1}' | awk -F "\"*:\"*" '{print $2}' )
printf "$METADATA"
printf ' (%d:%02d:%02d' $(($POS/3600)) $(($POS%3600/60)) $(($POS%60))
printf ' / %d:%02d:%02d)\n' $(($DUR/3600)) $(($DUR%3600/60)) $(($DUR%60))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
i3lock-fancy &
systemctl suspend

.config/rofi/config.rasi Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
configuration {
font: "Fira Code 14";
show-icons: true;
terminal: "alacritty";
/*icon-theme: ;*/
sidebar-mode: false;
click-to-exit: true;
show-match: true;
theme: "gruvbox-dark-hard";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
VOL="$(amixer -D pulse sget Master | tail -n 1 | cut -c 32-35)"
STAT0="$(amixer -D pulse sget Master | tail -n 1 | cut -c 38)"
STAT1="$(amixer -D pulse sget Master | tail -n 1 | cut -c 35)"
STAT2="$(amixer -D pulse sget Master | tail -n 1 | cut -c 40)"
if [ "$UPORDOWN" = "up" ]
if [ "$STAT0" = "f" ] || [ "$STAT1" = "f" ] || [ "$STAT2" = "f" ]
notify-send -u critical "Volume Manager" "Unmuted\!"
pactl set-sink-mute 1 0
amixer -D pulse sset Master 10%+
if [ "$UPORDOWN" = "down" ]
# the commented out part below should work
# but for some reason
# decreasing 10% volume shows 9% volume decrease in polybar widget
# but it is actually 10% volume decrease when checking with amixer
# so less efficient code; for the OCD;
#if [ "$VOL" = "100%" ]
# amixer -D pulse sset Master 90%
# amixer -D pulse sset Master 10%-
case "$VOL" in
amixer -D pulse sset Master 90%
amixer -D pulse sset Master 80%
amixer -D pulse sset Master 70%
amixer -D pulse sset Master 60%
amixer -D pulse sset Master 50%
amixer -D pulse sset Master 40%
amixer -D pulse sset Master 30%
amixer -D pulse sset Master 20%
amixer -D pulse sset Master 10%
"0%] ")
amixer -D pulse sset Master 10%-

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
i3lock-fancy &
xset -display "$DISPLAY" dpms force off &

.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
# launch rofi
super + space
rofi -modi drun,run -show drun
# Return to launch terminal emulator
# b to launch browser
super + {Return,b}
# w to reload/relaunch feh/change bg
# p to reload/relaunch polybar
# Escape to turn screen off and lock the computer
super + shift + {w,p,Escape}
{bash $HOME/.config/feh/fehbg &,bash $HOME/.config/polybar/launch.sh &,bash $HOME/.config/sxhkd/mods/module_lock_script.sh}
# c to reload config
# q to quit selected window
super + shift + {c,q}
{pkill -USR1 -x sxhkd && bspc wm -r,bspc node -c}
# t to enable tiled mode for current window
# shift + t to enable floating mode for current window
# f to enable fullscreen mode for current window
super + {t,shift + t,f}
bspc node -t {tiled,floating,fullscreen}
# super h,j,k,l to move between windows
# add shift to swap the window to left right etc
super + {_,shift +, ctrl +}{h,j,k,l}
bspc node -{f,s,n} {west,south,north,east}
# expand a window by moving one of its side outward
super + alt + shift {h,j,k,l}
bspc node -z {left -20 0,bottom 0 20,top 0 -20,right 20 0}
#contract a window by moving one of its side inward
super + ctrl + shift + {h,j,k,l}
bspc node -z {right -20 0,top 0 20,bottom 0 -20,left 20 0}
# focus the next/previous desktop in the current monitor
super + bracket{left,right}
bspc desktop -f {prev,next}.local
# [ to decrease volume by 10%
# ] to increase volume by 10%
super + shift + bracket{left,right}
{bash $HOME/.config/sxhkd/mods/module_alsa.sh down,bash $HOME/.config/sxhkd/mods/module_alsa.sh up}
# switch between nodes (locally)
alt + {_,shift} + Tab
bspc node -f {next,prev}.local.!hidden.window
# focus or send to the given desktop
super + {_,shift + }{1-9,0}
bspc {desktop -f,node -d} '^{1-9,10}'
# move a floating window
super + {Left,Down,Up,Right}
bspc node -v {-20 0,0 20,0 -20,20 0}
# bspwm rotate: split horizontally/vertically
super + shift + {v,s}
bspc node @parent -R {90,90}
# exit bspwn (return to console)
super + shift + ctrl + alt + 0
bspc quit

.config/tmux/tmux.conf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
# Start windows and panes at 1, not 0
set -g base-index 1
setw -g pane-base-index 1
# Use Ctrl + Space for tmux
unbind C-b
set -g prefix C-space
# xterm-256color is most compatible, but use it in .zshrc
#set -g default-terminal "xterm-256color"
#set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
#set -g default-terminal "alacritty"
# Set 265color for tmux
set -g default-terminal "tmux-256color"
set -ga terminal-overrides ",alacritty:Tc"
set -ga terminal-overrides ",*256col*:Tc"
#set -ga terminal-overrides '*:Ss=\E[%p1%d q:Se=\E[ q'
#set -g terminal-overrides 'xterm*:smcup@:rmcup@'
set-environment -g COLORTERM "truecolor"
#set-window-option -g automatic-rename on
set -g automatic-rename on
set-option -g set-titles on
set -g history-limit 100000
# vi mode
set-window-option -g mode-keys vi
set -g status-keys vi
set -g monitor-activity on
set -g visual-activity both
set -sg escape-time 0
set -g mouse on
# status
set -g status-bg black
set -g status-fg white
set -g status-interval 10
# show `session_name:` to the leftmost bottom corner
set -g status-left '#[fg=colour245] #S: '
set -g status-left-length 0
# status format for the window that you are active on
setw -g window-status-current-format ' #I#[fg=yellow,bright]:#[fg=white,bright]#W#[fg=red,bright]#F '
# normal format for the window
setw -g window-status-format ' #I#[fg=gray,dark]:#[fg=gray,bright]#W#[fg=white,bright]#F '
# show date and time in the rightmost bottom corner `DayOfWeek date-month hour:minute`
set -g status-right '#[fg=color233,bg=color241,bold] %a #[fg=color233,bg=color245,bold] %d/%m %H:%M '
set -g status-right-length 50
# Clipboard related, I don't know shit about this
set-option -g update-environment " DISPLAY"
set-option -s set-clipboard off
bind P paste-buffer
#bind -T copy-mode-vi y send-keys -X copy-pipe-and-cancel 'xclip -in -selection clipboard'
#unbind -T copy-mode-vi y
#bind-key -T copy-mode-vi y send-keys -X copy-pipe-and-cancel "xclip -i -f -selection primary | xclip -i -selection clipboard"
bind -T copy-mode-vi v send -X begin-selection
bind -T copy-mode-vi y send-keys -X copy-pipe 'xclip -in -selection clipboard &> /dev/null'
bind -T copy-mode-vi Enter send-keys -X cancel
#bind-key -T copy-mode-vi y send-keys -X copy-pipe-and-cancel "xclip -selection c"
#bind -T copy-mode-vi Enter send-keys -X copy-pipe-and-cancel "xclip -i -f -selection primary | xclip -i -selection clipboard"
#bind -t vi-copy y copy-pipe 'xclip -in -selection clipboard'
unbind r
bind r source-file ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf \; display "Reloaded"

.config/yt-dlp/norm_config Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
--trim-filenames 200
--format 'bestvideo*+bestaudio/b'
--output '%(title)s,%(width)s_%(height)s_%(fps)s,%(duration_string)s,%(id)s.%(ext)s'

.config/yt-dlp/plst_config Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
--trim-filenames 200
--format 'bestvideo*+bestaudio/b'
--output '%(playlist_index)s__%(title)s,%(width)s_%(height)s_%(fps)s,%(duration_string)s,%(id)s.%(ext)s'

.gitconfig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
helper = store
editor = nvim
name = Pratham Patel
email = thefirst1322@gmail.com
ui = auto
defaultBranch = master
default = simple
tool = meld

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# macOS junk

.hushlogin Normal file
View File

.profile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
if command -v zsh; then
source $HOME/.zshrc
elif command -v bash; then
source $HOME/.bashrc

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# detect the name of the display in use
display=":$(ls /tmp/.X11-unix/* | sed 's#/tmp/.X11-unix/X##' | head -n 1)"
# detect the user using such display
user=$(who | grep '('$display')' | awk '{print $1}' | head -n 1)
# detect the id of the user
uid=$(id -u $user)
# send notif
sudo -u $user DISPLAY=$display DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/$uid/bus notify-send --urgency="$1" "$2" "$3"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# set standby timeout to 5 minutes (60*5 seconds)
/usr/sbin/hdparm -S 60 /dev/sda
/usr/sbin/hdparm -S 60 /dev/sdb
/usr/sbin/hdparm -S 60 /dev/sdc
/usr/sbin/hdparm -S 60 /dev/sdd
/usr/bin/updatedb &
sleep 600s
/home/pratham/.scripts/flameboi/hdd/notify_user.sh "critical" "Check HDDs" "Check if the HDDs are in standby ([re]boot-ed)" && exit 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
/usr/bin/updatedb &
sleep 600s
/home/pratham/.scripts/flameboi/hdd/notify_user.sh "critical" "Check HDDs" "Check if the HDDs are in standby (resumed from suspend)" && exit 0

.scripts/other/sort.py Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os
def mk_list():
input_args = ""
for i in sys.argv:
input_args = input_args + " " + i
input_args = list(dict.fromkeys(input_args.split(" ")))
del input_args[0]
del input_args[0]
return input_args
to_print = mk_list()
print('[ %s ]' % ' '.join(map(str, to_print)))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [[ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]]; then
>&2 echo "fail: you are not root"
exit 1
systemctl restart gdm.service

.zkbd/xterm-256color Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
typeset -g -A key

.zsh_aliases Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
export TIMEFMT=$'\nJob\t%J\n\nCPU\t%P\nuser\t%U\nsystem\t%S\ntotal\t%E'
[[ -d "$HOME/.cargo/bin" ]] && export PATH=$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH
[[ -d "$HOME/.local/bin" ]] && export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH
[[ -d "/usr/local/sbin" ]] && export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH
typeset -U PATH
# common aliases
alias flushSSH="ssh-keygen -R"
alias mtr='mtr --show-ips --displaymode 0 -o "LDR AGJMXI"'
alias update="source $HOME/.zshrc" # ~/.zshrc will automatically source ~/.zsh_aliases
alias custcp="rsync --verbose --recursive --size-only --human-readable --progress --stats --itemize-changes"
alias pysort="python3 $HOME/.scripts/other/sort.py"
alias download="aria2c -x 16 -k 1M --file-allocation=none --continue=false"
alias vim="nvim"
alias ytdown="yt-dlp --config-location $HOME/.config/yt-dlp/norm_config --external-downloader aria2c"
alias playdl="yt-dlp --config-location $HOME/.config/yt-dlp/plst_config --external-downloader aria2c"
alias ytslow="yt-dlp --config-location $HOME/.config/yt-dlp/norm_config --no-part --concurrent-fragments 1 --limit-rate 4M"
alias gitaddpush="git remote set-url --add --push origin"
alias gitaddpull="git remote set-url --add --pull origin"
if command -v batcat > /dev/null; then
alias bat="batcat"
alias sudo="sudo "
if command -v doas > /dev/null; then
unalias sudo
alias sudo="doas "
# some common functions
towebp() {
cwebp -q 80 "$1" -o "$1".webp
togif() {
ffmpeg -i "$1" -pix_fmt rgb24 "$1".gif
# Linux specific things
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu"* ]]; then
# make less more friendly for non-text input files, see lesspipe(1)
[[ -x /usr/bin/lesspipe ]] && eval "$(SHELL=/bin/sh lesspipe)"
export EDITOR=/usr/bin/nvim
export SYSTEMD_EDITOR=/usr/bin/nvim
alias l="ls --group-directories-first --color=auto -v"
alias ll="ls --group-directories-first --color=auto -1lv"
alias la="ls --group-directories-first --color=auto -1Av"
alias lo="ls --group-directories-first --color=auto -1v"
alias llh="ls --group-directories-first --color=auto -1hlv"
alias lah="ls --group-directories-first --color=auto -1Ahlv"
alias ldt="ls --group-directories-first --color=auto -1Altv"
alias grep="grep --color=auto"
alias greplv="grep --color=auto -lv"
alias grepli="grep --color=auto -li"
alias grepv="grep --color=auto -v"
alias grepi="grep --color=auto -i"
alias tmux="/usr/bin/tmux -f $HOME/.config/tmux/tmux.conf"
alias ping="ping -W 0.1 -O"
alias pmount="mount -o gid=pratham,uid=pratham"
source /etc/os-release
MACHINE_HOSTNAME=$(cat /etc/hostname)
if [[ "$NAME" == "Pop\!_OS" && "$MACHINE_HOSTNAME" == "flameboi" ]]; then
export OWNDIR=/heathen_disk
alias sentinel="ssh ubuntu@sentinel.lan"
alias bluefeds="ssh pratham@bluefeds.lan"
alias flatpakupdates="flatpak remote-ls --updates flathub"
alias mpv="/usr/bin/mpv --geometry=60% --vo=gpu --hwdec=vaapi"
alias pbcopy="xsel --clipboard --input"
alias pbpaste="xsel --clipboard --output"
# window manager
alias suslock="$HOME/.config/polybar/mods/module_suspend_script.sh"
alias gnomecontrolcenter="XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME gnome-control-center"
alias gnomecc="XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME gnome-control-center"
if command -v flatpak > /dev/null
# Get a list of flatpak applications in the reverse domain name format
readarray -t ids < <(flatpak list --app --columns=application)
for id in "${ids[@]}"
# Take everything past the last dot (the name)
# Make it lowercase to approximate binary name
# If there is not already a command at that name
if ! command -v "${binary}" > /dev/null
# Create an alias that runs the flatpak
alias "$binary=flatpak run \"$id\""
owndisk() {
sudo chmod 774 -R ${OWNDIR}
sudo /usr/bin/chown pratham:pratham -R ${OWNDIR}
find ${OWNDIR} -type f -exec chmod 660 {} \;
find ${OWNDIR} -type f -name "._*" -exec rm -iv {} \;
find ${OWNDIR} -type f -name "*.DS_Store" -exec rm -iv {} \;
elif [[ "$NAME" == "Fedora Linux" && "$MACHINE_HOSTNAME" == "bluefeds" ]]; then
alias sentinel="ssh ubuntu@sentinel.lan"
alias clear="/usr/bin/clear && printf '\e[3J'"
alias confont="setfont /usr/share/consolefonts/Lat2-Terminus28x14.psf.gz"
alias containerupdate='podman auto-update --dry-run --format="{{.Unit}}\t{{.Updated}}"'
alias containerdisableall="systemctl --user disable container-gitea-chitragupta container-hugo-vaikunthnatham container-nextcloud-chitragupta container-hugo-mahayogi container-gitea-govinda container-nextcloud-govinda container-transmission-raadhe container-caddy-vishwambhar"
alias containerenableall="systemctl --user enable container-gitea-chitragupta container-hugo-vaikunthnatham container-nextcloud-chitragupta container-hugo-mahayogi container-gitea-govinda container-nextcloud-govinda container-transmission-raadhe container-caddy-vishwambhar"
containerstats() {
systemctl --user status \
container-gitea-chitragupta \
container-hugo-vaikunthnatham \
container-nextcloud-chitragupta \
container-hugo-mahayogi \
container-gitea-govinda \
container-nextcloud-govinda \
container-transmission-raadhe \
container-caddy-vishwambhar | grep '(running) since\|●\|ago'
TOTAL_RUNNING=$(podman ps --format '{{.Names}}' | wc -l)
TOTAL_CONTAINERS=$(podman container list -a --format '{{.Names}}' | wc -l)
echo -e "Running:\t${TOTAL_RUNNING}/8"
echo -e "Containers:\t${TOTAL_CONTAINERS}/8"
rebuildzfs() {
ALL_KERNELS=($(sudo dnf info kernel | grep Source | awk '{print $3}' | sed "s/kernel-//g" | sed "s/src.rpm/$(uname -m)/g"))
LATEST_ZFS_VER=$(git ls-remote --refs --tags https://github.com/openzfs/zfs | cut --delimiter='/' --fields=3 | sort --version-sort | tail --lines=2 | head --lines=1 | sed "s/-/\//g")
for KERN in ${ALL_KERNELS[@]}; do
ZFS_DKMS_STATUS=$(sudo dkms status -k ${KERN})
if [[ ${ZFS_DKMS_STATUS} =~ "zfs" ]]; then
echo -ne "ZFS is installed for ${KERN}, you may REINSTALL it using the following command:\nsudo dkms install ${LATEST_ZFS_VER} -k ${KERN}\n\n"
sudo dkms install ${LATEST_ZFS_VER} -k ${KERN}
echo -ne "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
elif [[ "$NAME" == "Ubuntu" && "$MACHINE_HOSTNAME" == "sentinel" ]]; then
elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]];then
export EDITOR=/usr/local/bin/nvim
alias l="/usr/local/bin/gls --group-directories-first --color=auto -v"
alias ll="/usr/local/bin/gls --group-directories-first --color=auto -1lv"
alias la="/usr/local/bin/gls --group-directories-first --color=auto -1Av"
alias lo="/usr/local/bin/gls --group-directories-first --color=auto -1v"
alias llh="/usr/local/bin/gls --group-directories-first --color=auto -1hlv"
alias lah="/usr/local/bin/gls --group-directories-first --color=auto -1Ahlv"
alias ldt="/usr/local/bin/gls --group-directories-first --color=auto -1Altv"
alias grep="/usr/local/bin/ggrep --color=auto"
alias greplv="/usr/local/bin/ggrep --color=auto -lv"
alias grepli="/usr/local/bin/ggrep --color=auto -li"
alias grepv="/usr/local/bin/ggrep --color=auto -v"
alias grepi="/usr/local/bin/ggrep --color=auto -i"
alias xargs="/usr/local/opt/findutils/libexec/gnubin/xargs"
alias flameboi="ssh pratham@flameboi.lan"
alias sentinel="ssh ubuntu@sentinel.lan"
alias bluefeds="ssh pratham@bluefeds.lan"
alias tmux="/usr/local/bin/tmux -f $HOME/.config/tmux/tmux.conf"
alias clear="/usr/bin/clear && printf '\e[3J'"
alias ktb="sudo pkill TouchBarServer; killall ControlStrip"
alias mpv="/usr/local/bin/mpv --vo=libmpv"

.zshrc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
# if not running interactively, do not do anything
case $- in
*i*) ;;
*) return;;
# load ~/.zsh_aliases if it exists
if [[ -f "$HOME/.zsh_aliases" ]]; then
source $HOME/.zsh_aliases
# load keybinds if they exist
if [[ -f "$HOME/.zkbd/$TERM" ]]; then
source $HOME/.zkbd/$TERM
[[ -n ${key[Home]} ]] && bindkey "${key[Home]}" beginning-of-line
[[ -n ${key[End]} ]] && bindkey "${key[End]}" end-of-line
[[ -n ${key[Delete]} ]] && bindkey "${key[Delete]}" delete-char
export TERM="xterm-256color"
#bindkey "^[[H" beginning-of-line
#bindkey "^[[F" end-of-line
#bindkey "^[[3~" delete-char
# enable ZSH history
export HISTFILE=$HOME/.sh_history
export HISTFILESIZE=1000000000
export HISTSIZE=1000000000
export SAVEHIST=1000000000
# refer to https://linux.die.net/man/1/zshoptions
# keep the space after tab auto-completion
# use Ctrl+left and Ctrl+right to jump a word back and forth respectively
bindkey "^[[1;5C" forward-word
bindkey "^[[1;5D" backward-word
bindkey '^i' expand-or-complete-prefix
# for using comments in interactive shell
PROMPT=$'\n%F{11}─┬─[%f %F{5}%y %f%F{white}%? %D %*%f %F{11}]%f
%F{11} ├─[%f %F{red}%m:%f %F{white}%n%f %F{8}▶%f %F{cyan}%/%f %F{11}]%f
%F{11} ╰─>%F{11}%f '
# common stuff for Linux
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu"* ]]
# syntax highlighting
if [[ -f "$ZSH_SYNTAX_HIGH" ]]; then
source /etc/os-release
MACHINE_HOSTNAME=$(cat /etc/hostname)
if [[ "$NAME" = "Pop!_OS" && "$MACHINE_HOSTNAME" == "flameboi" ]]; then
# The following lines were added by compinstall
zstyle ':completion:*' completer _expand _complete _ignored
zstyle ':completion:*' group-name ''
zstyle :compinstall filename "$HOME/.zshrc"
autoload -Uz compinit
# End of lines added by compinstall
if [[ "$NAME" = "Fedora Linux" && "$MACHINE_HOSTNAME" == "bluefeds" ]]; then
# use bigger fonts in tty
case $(tty) in
(/dev/tty[0-9]) setfont /usr/share/consolefonts/Lat2-Terminus28x14.psf.gz;;
(/dev/pts/[0-9]) ;;
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
if [[ "$NAME" = "Ubuntu" && "$MACHINE_HOSTNAME" == "sentinel" ]]; then
# use bigger fonts in tty
case $(tty) in
(/dev/tty[0-9]) setfont /usr/share/consolefonts/Lat2-Terminus28x14.psf.gz;;
(/dev/pts/[0-9]) ;;
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
# stuff for macOS
elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]
# syntax highlighting
if [[ -f "$ZSH_SYNTAX_HIGH" ]]; then

README.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Initial setup:
- `git clone git@git.thefossguy.com:thefossguy/dotfiles-priv.git`
- Uncomment the most appropriate line in `~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml`, under `import` (line 11)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Description=Notify the user regarding HDDs upon boot
ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash /home/pratham/.scripts/flameboi/hdd/on_boot.sh &

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Description=Put HDDs to sleep after waking up from suspend
After=suspend.target hibernate.target hybrid-sleep.target suspend-then-hibernate.target graphical.target
ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash /home/pratham/.scripts/flameboi/hdd/on_resume.sh &
WantedBy=suspend.target hibernate.target hybrid-sleep.target suspend-then-hibernate.target