baseURL = "" title = "Pratham Patel's blog" theme = "hugo-coder" languageCode = "en" defaultContentLanguage = "en" enableEmoji = true paginate = 20 [markup] [markup.highlight] noClasses = false [params] author = "Pratham Patel" description = "Pratham Patel's blog" gravatar = "" info = "haccerman" # dateFormat = "2006-01-02" # always left to right text, nothing barbaric here rtl = false colorScheme = "dark" hideColorSchemeToggle = true maxSeeAlsoItems = 10 [[]] # TODO: a page with link to my contributions to kernel name = "Linux Kernel" icon = "fa fa-2x fa-linux" weight = 2 url = "" [[]] name = "Gitea" icon = "fa fa-2x fa-git" weight = 2 url = "" [[]] name = "GitLab" icon = "fa fa-2x fa-gitlab" weight = 3 url = "" [[]] name = "GitHub" icon = "fa fa-2x fa-github" weight = 4 url = "" [[]] name = "RSS" icon = "fa fa-2x fa-rss" weight = 6 url = "" rel = "alternate" type = "application/rss+xml" [[]] name = "Donate?" icon = "fa fa-2x fa-heart-o" weight = 7 url = "" [menu] [[menu.main]] name = "Blog" weight = 1 url = "posts/" [[menu.main]] name = "README" weight = 2 url = "readme"