#!/usr/bin/env bash #set -x ################################################################################ # PRE-INSTALLATION ################################################################################ # check for internet connectivity ping -c 1 google.com >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ ! $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo "No internet access :(" exit 1 fi # check if the user is root if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo "This script needs to be run as the root user :(" exit 1 fi # detect if Arch Linux booted into Legacy BIOS or UEFI if [[ ! "$(ls -A /sys/firmware/efi/efivars)" ]]; then echo "This script was tailored for a system with UEFI." echo "Please modify this script manually :(" exit 1 fi ################################################################################ # SELECT THE FASTEST "HTTPS" MIRRORS ################################################################################ pacman -Sy --noconfirm reflector MIRRORLIST_FILE="/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" # check if reflector is already running pgrep reflector >/dev/null if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then IS_REFLECTOR_RUNNING=y else IS_REFLECTOR_RUNNING=n fi # remove $MIRRORLIST_FILE if file modification time is more than 10 days if [[ ! $(find "$MIRRORLIST_FILE" -mtime +10) && $IS_REFLECTOR_RUNNING == "n" ]]; then rm -f "$MIRRORLIST_FILE" fi # pacman config sed -i "s/#ParallelDownloads = 5/ParallelDownloads = 10/" /etc/pacman.conf || echo "ParallelDownloads = 10" | tee -a /etc/pacman.conf # start finding the best mirrors in the background if [[ ! -f "$MIRRORLIST_FILE" && $IS_REFLECTOR_RUNNING == "n" ]]; then reflector \ --connection-timeout 2 \ --latest 100 \ --sort rate \ --fastest 10 \ --protocol https \ --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist >/dev/null 2>&1 & fi ################################################################################ # SET THINGS UP FOR INSTALLATION ################################################################################ # set some global variables FONT_BOLD=$(tput bold) FONT_NORM=$(tput sgr0) YES_NO_OPTION="$FONT_BOLD(y/n)$FONT_NORM" # update system clock timedatectl set-ntp true ################################################################################ # CHOOSE A DRIVE ON WHICH ARCH LINUX WILL BE INSTALLED ################################################################################ # choose the drive to install Arch Linux on OS_DRIVE=empty CORRECTLY_CHOSEN=n VM_SYS_NAME=$(dmidecode -s system-manufacturer) if [[ $(grep 'AuthenticAMD' /proc/cpuinfo) ]]; then CPU_VENDOR_NAME="amd" elif [[ $(grep 'GenuineIntel' /proc/cpuinfo) ]]; then CPU_VENDOR_NAME="intel" else CPU_VENDOR_NAME="nanyabusiness" fi while [[ $CORRECTLY_CHOSEN == "n" || $CORRECTLY_CHOSEN == "N" ]]; do tput -x clear fdisk -l echo -e "\n\nPlease input the full path of the storage device onto which Arch Linux should be installed: (eg: $FONT_BOLD/dev/sda$FONT_NORM)" read OS_DRIVE tput -x clear fdisk -l "$OS_DRIVE" echo -e "\n\nIs this the drive you want to install Arch Linux on? $YES_NO_OPTION" read CORRECTLY_CHOSEN done ################################################################################ # FORMAT THE DRIVE ON WHICH ARCH LINUX WILL BE INSTALLED ################################################################################ # partition the drive FORMAT_YES=no SEPARATE_HOME_ROOT=no TOTAL_DEV_SIZE_IN_BYTES=$(blockdev --getsize64 ${OS_DRIVE}) UEFI_PART_SIZE=513MiB ROOT_PART_SIZE=10GiB tput -x clear echo "Do you want a separate \`home\` and \`root\` partition? $YES_NO_OPTION" read SEPARATE_HOME_ROOT if [[ $SEPARATE_HOME_ROOT == "Y" || $SEPARATE_HOME_ROOT == "y" ]]; then tput -x clear echo "You chose that you want separate home and root partitions." echo "You will$FONT_BOLD not$FONT_NORM be asked for the Home partition's size. It will occupy the remaining space.\n" echo "Please enter the size of root partition in GiB (without the unit)." echo -e "10% or 12GB (whichever is greater) of the total drive space is usually a good idea.\n" read ROOT_PART_SIZE ROOT_PART_SIZE="$ROOT_PART_SIZE""GiB" fi ################################################################################ # CREATE PARTITIONS ################################################################################ # create the disk partitions tput -x clear echo -e "Your drive will be split into 3 partitions:\n\n" echo -e " mount point | filesystem | size " echo -e "-------------|------------|----------" echo -e " /boot/ | EFI | 512Mib " echo -e " / | ext4 | $ROOT_PART_SIZE" echo -e " /home | ext4 | " echo -e "\n\nDoes the above look good to you? $YES_NO_OPTION\n" read FORMAT_YES if [[ $FORMAT_YES == "y" || $FORMAT_YES == "Y" ]]; then parted -s "$OS_DRIVE" mklabel gpt parted -s "$OS_DRIVE" mkpart primary fat32 1 513MiB parted -s "$OS_DRIVE" mkpart logical ext4 514MiB $ROOT_PART_SIZE parted -s "$OS_DRIVE" mkpart logical ext4 $ROOT_PART_SIZE 100% parted -s "$OS_DRIVE" set 1 boot on else exit 1 fi ################################################################################ # MOUNT PARTITIONS ################################################################################ # check what kind of storage device $OS_DRIVE is if [[ "$OS_DRIVE" =~ "sd" || "$OS_DRIVE" =~ "vd" ]]; then UEFI_PARTITION="$OS_DRIVE""1" ROOT_PARTITION="$OS_DRIVE""2" HOME_PARTITION="$OS_DRIVE""3" elif [[ "$OS_DRIVE" =~ "nvme" ]]; then UEFI_PARTITION="$OS_DRIVE""p1" ROOT_PARTITION="$OS_DRIVE""p2" HOME_PARTITION="$OS_DRIVE""p3" fi # format partitions mkfs.fat -F32 "$UEFI_PARTITION" mkfs.ext4 -F "$HOME_PARTITION" mkfs.ext4 -F "$ROOT_PARTITION" # mount the partitions mount ${ROOT_PARTITION} /mnt mount --mkdir ${UEFI_PARTITION} /mnt/boot mount --mkdir ${HOME_PARTITION} /mnt/home ################################################################################ # INITIATE PACKAGE INSTALLATION ################################################################################ # check and copy mirrorlist while [[ ! -f "$MIRRORLIST_FILE" ]]; do tput -x clear echo "$(date +'%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S') => Waiting for the mirrorlist to be generated. Please be patient." sleep 10 done mkdir -p /mnt/etc/pacman.d/ cp ${MIRRORLIST_FILE} /mnt"$MIRRORLIST_FILE" # update pacman db pacman --sync --refresh --refresh # install packages bash scripts/install-packages.sh "$CPU_VENDOR_NAME" # generate fstab genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab # chroot setup mkdir -p /mnt/chroot-scripts cp scripts/chroot-setup.sh /mnt/chroot-scripts/ arch-chroot /mnt bash /chroot-scripts/chroot-setup.sh "$CPU_VENDOR_NAME" "$ROOT_PARTITION" rm -rf /mnt/chroot-scripts if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then exit 1 fi # copy the setup script that can only be done after pratham logs in cp scripts/pratham-setup.sh /mnt/home/pratham/pratham-setup.sh arch-chroot /mnt chmod +x /home/pratham/pratham-setup.sh arch-chroot /mnt chown -v pratham:pratham /home/pratham/pratham-setup.sh ################################################################################ # POST-INSTALL PROCEDURE ################################################################################ # unmount filesystems umount -R /mnt